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. . . #3 . . .
 ::: I can't take that chance
A guy goeson vacation to the Holy Land with his wife andmother-in-law. The mother-in-law dies. They go to anundertaker who explains that they can ship the body home but that it'll cost over $5000, whereas they can bury her in the Holy Land for only $150.
The guy says, "We'll ship her home." The undertaker asks, "Are you sure? That's an awfully big expense andwe can do a very nice burial here."
The guy says, "Look, 2000 years ago they burieda guy here and three days laterhe rose from the dead. I just can'ttake that chance."
::: Электронный словарь ЛИНГВО
  Словарь Яндекс.Лингво.Введите слово для перевода в поле и нажмите кнопку.
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